Other > Faction Announcements

The Reactor Punks - Recruitment.

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Hello potential recruit, The Reactor Punks are looking for U.S. players to fill their ranks.
Requirements are that you are FROM the U.S. and don't just live here or something.
you have a facebook or something similar that can be used to keep in touch outside of the game to plan stuff, this gang isnt for your alt blah blah blah, to get in our gang is to be our friend, trust is not something givin, its earned.
we will not be letting in people that cannot prove they live in the U.S.

We are all in our mid 20s and were seeking people that are about the same maturity level, that means we dont want people runnin around pk'ing bluesuits and yelling fag and what not, if you think you meet the requirements and are sick of getting pushed around because you dont speak polish of cyrliic feel free to message me to open a dialogue.

hey i wanna join

hahaaahaa, monkey shoot gun, make meatman laugh/

Hey dude, a buddy of mine and I play this game we're from SoCal. We need a group to kick it with. My chars name is SnakEater. My char class is sniper/gun crafter, currently level 2 gun crafter.

Hey there, I'm currently having trouble with this game playing alone, I'm a level 11 burst fire fighter with small guns crafting 3. I don't do the whole social networking thing, but you can hit me up on here if you need to contact me for anything.


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