Other > Suggestions
Add a 4th tag skill to reduce alts
Mr Feltzer:
Yeah Re-Add "Tag" Perk.. Pl0x?
It won't solve anything.
I use several "pure crafter alts", every of them is lvl 5-7. Placing "Tag!" perk most likely won't change anything.
You need to understand that there is no simple solution to reduce alting.
I think adding 4th tag is wrong.
I think we should just limit maximal skill % so players wont go with big guns to 200% or with small guns, energy guns to 250%, first aid 170% etc - Limit all those skills to 100% max for exemple.
Then players will have enought skill points for missing skills.
I like the idea of lowering skills but not to 100.I think 200 is a good place to top it off but im not so sure it will ever happen.I think the devs want people to have to work together and if we all had every skill we needed no one would have to.
On the other side of the coin, we dont really work together now except among our own groups and gangs so maybe its a good idea.It not like alting could get worse so what do we have to lose by giving it a try?
--- Quote from: Frosti on May 17, 2010, 07:22:33 am ---I think adding 4th tag is wrong.
I think we should just limit maximal skill % so players wont go with big guns to 200% or with small guns, energy guns to 250%, first aid 170% etc - Limit all those skills to 100% max for exemple.
Then players will have enought skill points for missing skills.
--- End quote ---
100% skill is terrible, thats like a 70% chance to hit anyone with armour on
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