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Author Topic: Is there any other way to...  (Read 2583 times)


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Is there any other way to...
« on: May 16, 2010, 03:16:45 pm »

Is there any other way to get SG crafting level 3 other than doing the quest? I don't wanna become a slaver... It will just make me unable to show up in anywhere.
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Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2010, 03:44:04 pm »

SG 3 is from raiders... Not slavers..


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Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 07:17:07 pm »

Let me enlighten your mind Boradam,
You have to get 120 rep with slavers and the easiest way is to do the quest, by becoming a slaver, and then you have to do the joining raiders faction quest to uncover raider base. Is this the only way?
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2010, 07:27:47 pm »

Let me enlighten your mind Boradam,
You have to get 120 rep with slavers and the easiest way is to do the quest, by becoming a slaver, and then you have to do the joining raiders faction quest to uncover raider base. Is this the only way?
Probably, that's why you need to take "Joining Raiders" quest instantly after completing "Bring Briefcase" quest. So you'll pick this quest on 1-3 character level, but you can complete it whenever you want and don't care about reputation anymore, because it's in progress, btw, you also don't need mentats to progress in this quest, so if your 1st level 1CH character used mentats, completed "Bring Briefcase" quest, then took "Joining Raiders" quest, you, when it's time, can directly go to Raiders outpost and with 1CH continue your quest and then become raider even if you have -999999 reputation with slavers, because it's no matter anymore.


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Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2010, 08:05:43 pm »

So, I actually don't need any reputation with slavers, just the bring the briefcase quest? Is the -190 wuth raiders required? Sorry for so many questions, I don't want my crafter char to fail.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2010, 08:10:05 pm »

So, I actually don't need any reputation with slavers, just the bring the briefcase quest?
No, unfortunately, you need. Atleast 120.
This quest gives you 150. So, that's the reason to take "Joining Raiders" quest instantly after that.
Is the -190 wuth raiders required?
Yes, or else you won't take "Joining Raiders" quest at all. So... that's a problem for you. ;p

If it's your pure crafter alt (who need only to craft your weapon/ammo and nothing more you'll do with him), then I don't find it hard to remake character... and again, if it's your pure crafter alt, I again don't find any problems being a slaver.
I don't wanna become a slaver... It will just make me unable to show up in anywhere.
Who said you that nonsense? You can show up.
Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2010, 09:29:13 pm »

Is there any other way to get SG crafting level 3 other than doing the quest? I don't wanna become a slaver... It will just make me unable to show up in anywhere.

Only place you can't go to is the rangers garage, oh and people in Klamath/Modoc won't speak to you anymore.
Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2010, 12:19:24 am »

Why do you have to be a slaver for this?Ive had three lvl3 gunsmiths since it was implemented and not one has been a slaver.All ive ever done for the slavers is drop off the breifcase for Lil Jesus and after completing the quest and reaching the reqiured lvl of skills i ask if he has any other work besides slaving.I usually do the breifcase quest at lvl 1 for the quick xp and dont come back to ask about the raiders till lvl 9 or better.


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Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2010, 09:10:54 am »

If you have no other solution, you can also try to buy slaves from slaversp layers and sell them to Metzger, it mifhgt give you some reputation (not a lot, though).
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Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2010, 04:25:00 pm »

I heards, there's a possibility to remove the slaver mark but paying it with -1CH.
Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2010, 07:31:01 pm »

I got the option to join the raiders in metzgers dialog before joining the slavers.


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Re: Is there any other way to...
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2010, 08:18:48 pm »

I heards, there's a possibility to remove the slaver mark but paying it with -1CH.
you need 5 CH to become slaver
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