Other > Suggestions

PK, again, i know,.. :/

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--- Quote from: Lordus on May 16, 2010, 02:32:13 am --- Well, this is questionable.

 If you have enough speech, you can have good info, so you can find safe time window to mining, visiting the city, making proffesion..... .
 At least, you will avoid the insta death if you will see, that in last 5 minutes there was 10 players killed in mines..

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But after a few trips you can find dependence by yourself, there is a time you have 1% to survive and there is time when 9 of 10 trips will be succesfull. After midnight of Eu time your chances are getting bigger and i don't need any freakin caravn to know that :]

I voted Vedaras cause it was too fun.
More seriously, making cha and speech of some use in the game (for something else than having 5 Super mutant in party) is something good, but like said, not sure this idea will be of any use.

Lordus, I appreciate your ideas and the will to make the game better.
But if you wan't do discuss ideas in a serious matter, don't make fun options in polls, as it leads to:

--- Quote from: Midnight on May 17, 2010, 04:23:42 pm ---I voted Vedaras cause it was too fun.

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If I see another thread with atleast one of this "fun options", I'll just lock it.

i found "about 3 murders" mayors in must be 10 that he can count to 3 as about... :D Anyway i agree that speech should be made more useful, just not in this kinda way , its pretty much useless both in making it and in the use since that "pker" can be blue suit with hammer who killed real pker, and 20 guys gang in same time, so whats the use ? :> Furthermore only redding and bh mines could have such ability, so vc mine would be discriminated.


--- Quote from: vedaras on May 17, 2010, 04:32:18 pm ---i found "about 3 murders" mayors in must be 10 that he can count to 3 as about... :D Anyway i agree that speech should be made more useful, just not in this kinda way , its pretty much useless both in making it and in the use since that "pker" can be blue suit with hammer who killed real pker, and 20 guys gang in same time, so whats the use ? :> Furthermore only redding and bh mines could have such ability, so vc mine would be discriminated.

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 this idea is purposed to raise the ability of survive in that locations, not to give anybody 100 percent guarantee.. like in real post apo world :)


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