Other > Tools and Modifications

Interface modders: changes in .ini options

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Until a proper changelog shows up, let it be written here that the following changes were done to .ini option names:

--- Code: ---IntBObj* renamed to IntBItem*
SplitWObj renamed to SplitWItem
TimerWObj renamed to TimerWItem

--- End code ---

Most of the interface mods would require an update to meet the new specifications.

Just a little addition. You probably forgot to mention about one more change in .ini
IntBObjPicDown renamed to IntBItemPicDown

I think it's why he wrote IntBObj* (asterisk can be replace by everything) :)

Where can I read more about interface modding? I want to create my own interface. I figured out the meaning of some commands in the ini file, but I need to know more...

Do like me. Download 2-3 interfaces and see what is doing what :) I made my own interface like this.


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