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Author Topic: Rework AC  (Read 4134 times)

Rework AC
« on: May 14, 2010, 11:35:02 pm »

AC  its kinda usseles now, in FO it was fine because your enemies dont have 250+ in combat skills, in this game it should work diferent, so i think it shouldl affect tha max chance to hit.

1)  change the 95% to hit cap in 99% (base)
2) each point in AC will reduce the cap.
3) aimed shoots will increade the target AC:
-eyes +60% (30%*)
-head: +40% (20%*)
-arms/groin:+30% (15%*)
-legs:-20% (10%*)
(*this values are for scoped perk weapons)
4) AP bullets will reduce the target AC at half
5) burst shoots will increase the target AC in 30%.

the AC bonus for armors and perks has to be reworked. The initial AC lvl should be AG/2

Lest assume a char has the needed weapon skill to has the max chance to hit (99%)
he shoot a target with 13 AC, so the chance to hit will be 86%.
if he want to aim the target in the head the chance will be 81% (AC 13+40%=18) and 84% for a scoped weapon.

the max AC (armors, perks, and 10 and AG) should be 24-29 with HtH evade, and 19-24 for the rest.

-AC will have a real use.
-longer combats.
-not always 95% to hit, so no more first shooter=winner of the combat.
-more builds (unarmed with HtH evade can have more chances now, if he carries a decent armor)
-chars have to spend less points in weapon skills.

-may be hard to implement?
-need to adjust and balance AC from armors and perks

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Re: Rework AC
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 12:55:16 pm »

i don't want to fire MFC at someone and miss all day...  :P
AC should seriously do something. or at least remove it.
in d20 RPGs you roll against your opponent's AC. the higher lvl you are the higher your chance to hit becomes due to your class levels and such. plus the weapon you are using. i once worked out a fallout campaign turning fallout 2 into a d100 system. then toned it down from there into d20. because that's how i always saw fallout, as it were a d20 style game. AC is pretty important to me cause i love RPG style games where you don't spam the enemy with attacks. anyhow, always having a 95% CTH is crazy!!!
Re: Rework AC
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2010, 03:40:27 pm »

So people without 250+ in combat skills will miss everytime and this will encourage powerbuilds
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Re: Rework AC
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2010, 03:54:48 pm »

Cool, it wont be the fastest guy who gonna win anymore, it gonna be the most lucky.
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Re: Rework AC
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2010, 03:56:56 pm »

So people without 250+ in combat skills will miss everytime and this will encourage powerbuilds
That's why AC should work apart with weapon skill. First you roll regular CtH (like now), and then, if hit, roll target's AC. ;p
So, you, for example, have 240% SG skill, 10 PE, etc.
You shooting his eyes for 95%.
Then, the target has 10 AC, so he has 10% to dodge an attack, if previous roll was successful.

So you need high skill to hit on long distance at eye/head shots or bursts on max distance, but your skill is only affects how accurate your bullet/rocket/ray/whatever moves to it's target, when AC affects how good you can dodge attacks, so it must be separate 2 rolls, first he need to shoot directly at you, and then, you can dodge that attack.


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Re: Rework AC
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2010, 04:57:46 pm »

Avesome suggestion i will wear BA, 10 ag, Dodger perk and pwn the whole wasteland in turn based with my  hax0r's HtH evade  build  ;D
Re: Rework AC
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2010, 05:02:55 pm »

Suggestion in post #1 will make only powerbuilds able to hit something.

Much better idea is to limit maximal % of skills - exemple maximal small guns % - 100%, and then AC will work as it should without madifiting it.
Re: Rework AC
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2010, 06:39:20 pm »

So people without 250+ in combat skills will miss everytime and this will encourage powerbuilds
Suggestion in post #1 will make only powerbuilds able to hit something.

Much better idea is to limit maximal % of skills - exemple maximal small guns % - 100%, and then AC will work as it should without madifiting it.
If you do some math, yo realize than ALL chars will need less skill points to hit some one with a higher chance than now.

with the actual sistem a char need 95+4*distance-((PE-2)*8)+60 for eye shoot+Enemy armor class (max 45) to have 95%

with this sistem you have to remove the AC part (so 45 less point in weapon skill)

if you don have the required weapon skill to reach the max chance, still you have more chance than in the actual sistem because the AC lvl will be lower (max 24-29)
So this is best for non power builds than the actual sistem.

Also limiting skill lvl will destroy the sniper or any build based on aimed shoots.

Cool, it wont be the fastest guy who gonna win anymore, it gonna be the most lucky.
it will be a higher luck factor, but also more strategy, if your enemy has high AC lvl you should use AP bullets to reduce that luck factor. And not all chars sacrifice 2 perks (3 if HtH) to maximize his Ac lvl.

That's why AC should work apart with weapon skill. First you roll regular CtH (like now), and then, if hit, roll target's AC. ;p
So, you, for example, have 240% SG skill, 10 PE, etc.
You shooting his eyes for 95%.
Then, the target has 10 AC, so he has 10% to dodge an attack, if previous roll was successful.
in d20 RPGs you roll against your opponent's AC.
These are good suggestions to make AC usefull.
"Is it possible for man to conquer his own Karma!? Unless we can find a way to defeat the cycles of time, there is no future for mankind!"
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