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Getting rid of guard looting and item deletion.
Im just wondering how other people feel about losing items to random circumstances and not have any kind of a chance to get them back due to the guards in guarded towns.
Well, the guards taking the items does reduce suicide bombings and killing in towns because the pkers can't get the loot dropped, but on the other hand you can't get your stuff back either because the guards completely delete it, if a pker took it there's actually a chance of you getting it back.
There should be like... guards take the loot, then there's a dialogue line at town sheriff to pay for your stuff back, as commission. That would probably be hard to make though.
yeah, Im with you on that one, the sad thing is that it never really stopped suicide bombers because of one main issue, they're suiciding, and unless they were working in a team, which never happened when ive seen bombers work, they're just doing it for kicks.
i saw one guy suicide bomb 4 times in ncr today, he didnt have anyone with him, he was just doing it for kicks. laughing at everyone that got their hard earned hours of work loot deleted by the guards when freindly people nearby would most assuredly given back the gear that was dropped.
Pawn shop? All taken items are given sold at a pawn shop. But still, the problem with the suicide bombers remains :/ many just do it for fun. Is there a way to make guards see if anyone is arming a bomb? Like guards is able to see people stealing things, then if they spot someone arming a bomb they can interfere and kill him, + the suspect gets - karma for the city.
Just a small idea, becouse these bombings tends to get out of hand.
I think thats a good idea, like have them pass a sneak check if they're in front of anyone and if they fail they should be immediately tagged and left to the guards or the innocent people they were about to blow up.
i notice some people put yes for their poll answer, i guess im just kinda wondering what the benefit of this system is at this point, if you see this and your voting yes please explain why you think its good to have your items deleted out of the game instead of just dropping, id be interested to see it from another perspective.
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