Other > Suggestions
PvP in the Glow
Admiral Zombie:
I don't know if they increased the amount of radiation significantly compared to the original, but if its really too much then it can be lowered slightly. Radiation should be something on people's mind whenever they attempt to take the glow, and bring along radaway/radX. As it is now I don't know any use for radX, and it would create a demand for it at the very least.
--- Quote from: Roachor on May 18, 2010, 07:27:36 pm ---Don't you die after like 45 seconds in the glow?
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Yeah thats why you take rad X + radaway with you
--- Quote from: GroeneAppel on May 20, 2010, 01:24:43 pm ---Yeah thats why you take rad X + radaway with you
--- End quote ---
Seems like a pain in the ass just for pvp.
--- Quote from: Roachor on May 20, 2010, 07:31:47 pm ---Seems like a pain in the ass just for pvp.
--- End quote ---
It's for hyper high tier weapon too.
Admiral Zombie:
It doesn't have to be "hyper tier" stuff, but i figured that the reward should be extremely valuable considering the hassle of radiation. As it is now how often is radaway used? How often is radX used even? Why bother going to glow except when the game admins are angry with you and simply want to punish you?
Hell simply create a handful of footlockers that constantly spawn items like normal town control footlockers, but make it so anyone can loot them. There can be several spread out through the facility, have robots that spawn and fight people, etc. There are numerous possibilities that would be relatively easy to implement i think, and would give so many more things to do. Maybe open up necropolis to town control
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