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CH and Merc Followers
I have 3 CH and I tried hiring a merc, but the npc "won't send her boys with me because I'm too ugly".
I thought the formula was
(CH - 1)/2, so
(3-1)/2 = 1
--- Quote from: yoz on May 14, 2010, 04:21:11 am ---I have 3 CH and I tried hiring a merc, but the npc "won't send her boys with me because I'm too ugly".
I thought the formula was
(CH - 1)/2, so
(3-1)/2 = 1
--- End quote ---
you probably left your merc/slave/brahmin in your tent or base. But it still counts in the limit. IF you didint then write ~disbandparty to clear up your party limit.
Yes, that's what it was.
It sucks that the merc still counts as a follower even if he is waiting though. The wiki says otherwise.
I've thought that merc limit is 5 and its world wide. So even with CH 3 I should be able to have 5 mercs all around the world but only 1 will be able to follow me at a time. But from what you say it is more like my CH determines not only how many mercs can be in my party but also overall merc limit, is that right?
the devs did that to keep the merc prices down, i guess people were spamming them and keeping little armies hidden away.
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