Other > Closed suggestions

Custom descriptions and jet antidote

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I would love to see a command to set a custom description for your character.

It would be better than seeing
You see a middle aged man, he looks: unharmed.

You could set your own using something like ~desc
You see a man with a scar across his forehead, he looks: unharmed.

I would of thought this would be implemented already.


Another thing, this is post Fallout 2. So supposedly the antidote should exist.
You could make it obscure or expensive as hell. I'm really just curious as to why it's not in the game.

Whats the developers reason for this? or will it be implemented later?

It is pre FO2.

Also, of course it would be cool. But for most, one won't read :

"You see a man with a scar across his forehead, he looks: unharmed.",


"You see a young man. He is really a pwnz0r and has teh greatest dick in teh wastez.".

So, I guess that's why we don't have this feauture.

Yeah but we can ignore those people. Most likely the people who would set a description like that would probably try to attack you and hump your dead remains, for no good reason.

And if this is pre Fo2 then some NPC's need to be updated from thier post Fo2 dialog.

actualy you help making the Jet antidote in Fo2

and whit that description,why don't we chose from premade ones?

ok people, heres the thing, this takes place in the fallout world but is far from cannon, there are multiple examples of this but im not going to even bother, first off this game isnt intended to be "post-fallout" thats why its 2238, allthough were currently at like 2240, im pretty sure fo2 starts in 2241. so i guess were playing in an alternate reality of the same world, think of it like quantum physics, if it can happen it did happen and branches off and creates a divergent reality, well anyways yeah the whole jet antidote thing rests on myrons shoulders and if the chosen one doesent convince him to pony up then a jet antidote never existed.


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