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Any "Skaters" out there? (be it Inlineskates/Skateboard/or even BMX)

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But I can imagine these are fun especially at downhills. :)

I pulled off a kickflip today morning! ;D Unfortunately i wasn't able to do it again, but durning the try i hit myself in my knee and had to limp back home :-[

Heh yeh, I had that too when I learned the trick, fucked up shins all the time.. :D

worst i ever jacked my stuff up was the first time i caught a 360 flip, i was so surprised that my front foot slipped off and i rolled my skateboard over my front ankle while my back foot was still on my deck. i had to have two people help me up the stairs to my apartment, swollen ankle for like a month.

worst spill i ever took was going down the street, was doing about 65 kmh going down hill and the light turned red 4 seconds before i hit the intersection. Skidded about 20 feet on my ass, my board hit a concrete divider and cracked and i ended up with a swollen green bruise the size of a cantelope.


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