Other > Suggestions

New mercs or New proffesion !

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--- Quote from: Pandemon on May 12, 2010, 07:13:33 am ---So name this robots like "Broken cyberdog" or write in description something like that (about f.e. Robobrain) "You see small, strange built robot. He has dog's brain into and growls all the time." as a prove of that his builder wasn't expert in that what is he doing.
Anyway, it would be something fresh and maybe useful.
I am sure if now someone would suggest to add merc you would say "No no! It is too overpowered!!!!!"

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There is a difference between "OVERPOWERED!!!11" and "overpowered". As now, even some of the mercs are too weak if you ask me. ;)
But the idea of making robots (e.g. sentry bots) with more then 300 hp isn't just a poor mens excuse, it's just too powerfull.
It is what it is for a reason, pre war technology, found in abandonend facilieties, and nowhere else, sorry.

but how about recruting them from High-Teck places like San Fran,or Navaro and Brotherhood
crafting them is kinda strange,but to recruit them,i am ok whit that

Modified my last post.

Anyway is it possible to get some info what devs think about robots. There were like 6+ topics already about them but afaik no response from devs. So we could be also just wasting our time here since devs might not like it at all.


--- Quote from: Sius on May 12, 2010, 09:56:36 am ---
Anyway is it possible to get some info what devs think about robots. There were like 6+ topics already about them but afaik no response from devs. So we could be also just wasting our time here since devs might not like it at all.

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As I said the last 200(?) times. Wait for the next few upcoming updates. You'll see if there are some plans for robots. If no dev responses, still feel free to add your suggestions. If a suggestion get's closed down, well, it's obvious. ;)

I think this should be added in. And really, nothing OP.
Those sentrybots are really easy to kill aslong as you have 2 guys doing it with cheap smg's.
also, you could increase the mats a bit. but they look fine to me. also they should be CH dependable, remember it's not just how charming you are. It's your ability to command the amount of robots. somoene who has low CH and now skill in it, will go completely nuts trying to control more robots he can handle.


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