Other > Suggestions

Opening an unguarded mine near or in Necropolis.

<< < (4/10) > >>

Good idea !!! +1 I won't now die in this foo*ing Redding or Gecko mine =0. BTW i got - 2299 karma in some mine in redding cuz i killed some rats!xD

good,iddea+1, the mines are only in north,so i am proposing to make something worht of beeg explored,chosed outside,becoze is kinda safer than inside the city


So no preview at all and only one entry point like on Gecko mine it means it's safer because it's outside of city? :)
If mine would be inside city (which is my idea) it will generate more interesting situation for miners and killers than in Gecko where you spawn without preview, you can get killed before map loads and mine (area where you can dig minerals) itself got only two entry points.

making a mine inside the city needs to rebuild a map of severs. I hope its not harder than making new location, but Im afraid that its a lot harder to make the mine nicely planned


--- Quote ---Also if you think it will be somewhat safer because it's on south you are most likely wrong.
--- End quote ---

Well it is a good thing I didn't say that. Unguarded mines are unguarded for a reason after all.

--- Quote ---BTW i got - 2299 karma in some mine in redding cuz i killed some rats!xD
--- End quote ---

You should report that then.


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