Other > Suggestions

New combat classes

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--- Quote from: kraskish on May 11, 2010, 05:10:33 pm ---u mad?

P90 owns too much already, why do you need to increase the impact of this weapon. Its enough that its 5AP burst (as I remember) so with fast shot, BROF and 12 AP one person would deal 4 bursts x 12 bullets - 48 det, well thats pretty nice

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Owns against what? You get pwned by mgs in short range, and miniguns, rockets and snipers in long range.


--- Quote from: Lordus on May 11, 2010, 05:22:16 pm --- so, if i have p90 build and enemy avenger/minigun build and they meet togetherm, chance is 50:50??

 I did not see many P90 javascript:void(0);builds in VSB, RED DOT army....

 And what about the n.3) as.r. class?

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to be honest I dont know who would have won. I guess minigunner because of bigger range. In this point youre right. AR has just 3 hexes bigger range than minigun and lesser damage so minigunner would prevail anyway. As for P90 class, it has only 25 range burst so p90 player would get killed before he could shoot either by minigun, bazooka w/e


--- Quote from: kraskish on May 11, 2010, 05:10:33 pm ---u mad?

P90 owns too much already, why do you need to increase the impact of this weapon. Its enough that its 5AP burst (as I remember) so with fast shot, BROF and 12 AP one person would deal 4 bursts x 12 bullets - 48 det, well thats pretty nice

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u mad? try to fight with P90 vs minigun, sniper, thrower. Who wins? I know that, you definitely dont :P
But I dont agree with decreasing derioration too... imo its not good ability fo gun generaly.


--- Quote from: kraskish on May 11, 2010, 05:35:15 pm ---to be honest I dont know who would have won. I guess minigunner because of bigger range. In this point youre right. AR has just 3 hexes bigger range than minigun and lesser damage so minigunner would prevail anyway. As for P90 class, it has only 25 range burst so p90 player would get killed before he could shoot either by minigun, bazooka w/e

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Its simple: even if they meet on same range (but they proly wont, lol), both guys in CA:
P90 build: 4 bursts (with switching the gun- really big pause in shooting)--> 200 dmg,
Avenger build: 3 bursts (without any break)-->300 dmg.
who the fuck u think will win this battle maan? :P

(btw ofc I talk about power builds with cca 250 hp, AP bullets, 2*bonus ranged dmg)


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