Other > Suggestions

Shit throwing?

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Interesting thought and I heard someone mention it the other day in NCR after all that shit appeared...They didn't post it so i thought i would.

Just like Rocks are the most pointless of weapons in the game, shit should be throwable,maybe with a possible chance of poisoning the person targeted.

You could even make it a non combat weapon, then you would get brilliant senarios like seeing a caught thief being pelted with brahmin shit as he runs from the town being screamed at by other players, or two players settling a disagreement by having a shit fight.....

I'm not sure where this is going so i'll leave it open to you all now.

I support that.

Very funny idea, mostly I never support these ideas, but this is one of the exceptions. Somehow this idea would actually come in handy, like in a quest.

Shit should have a chance to make people faint from the smell... :D I SUPPORT THIS IDEA.

i do not agree:iis the dumest ideea ever

becoze:if will have poison proprietis,it will be veary used

and it can be found veary eazy,and if took,thebluesuits will not have what to shovel

so let's keep it that way


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