Other > Closed suggestions

Minigun and ( Possibly ) Rocket mercenaries need major AI overhaul

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Sorry but he is right, this is a pointless suggestion, devs are well aware that the AI is retarded. They will improve it over time. In the meantime: Get SG mercs with hunting rifles or snipers, the guards have snipers in NCR for a good reason.


--- Quote from: FischiPiSti on May 08, 2010, 06:21:22 pm ---Sorry but he is right, this is a pointless suggestion, devs are well aware that the AI is retarded. They will improve it over time. In the meantime: Get SG mercs with hunting rifles or snipers, the guards have snipers in NCR for a good reason.

--- End quote ---

Fine.  /thread please.

End of the line.


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