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Author Topic: Sniper / Small gunner Build.  (Read 5204 times)

Sniper / Small gunner Build.
« on: May 14, 2010, 09:43:09 pm »

Hi. I have few questions. I want to make a sniper wchich wil also use other small weapons (Pistols, SMG's for example)

My build is:

ST 5
PE 8
EN 6
CH 3
IN 5
AG 8
LK 6

Traitors - Small Frame and Skilled.

Abilities - Small Guns, First Aid, Science.

Is that build ok? Charisma will be ok for talking NPC and INT maybe too big with skill "Skilled"? (-1 IN And +1 LK?)

I hope you will help a new player :)

Thx a lot


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Re: Sniper / Small gunner Build.
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2010, 11:46:59 pm »

Why do you have Science tagged? I mean if you are going for crafting, then you need more Repair skill than Science for the SM Profession. Also, 5 Intelligence is actually a little low if you want to have high small-guns skills to be a good sniper. And also, 6 Luck is just about perfect. Don't make it 7 Luck, that is just about a waste of a SPECIAL point.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!
Re: Sniper / Small gunner Build.
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2010, 12:02:26 am »

With 5 IN you wont be able to take a few perks like bonus rate of fire,sharpshooter,and survivalist because they need 6 IN.

Skilled isnt really that great for a sniper because it cuts into your perks and a good sniper needs more crits and better crits.

Science isnt really useful unless your going to be crafting and if so your better off tagging repair because you need to boost it higher for proffesions.More IN is going to be good to have also if your going to be a crafter.Lvl 3 small guns training will require you to have 150% smguns, 120%repair, and 90% science.High quality materials that your going to need for crafting 2nd and 3rd teir equipment will require 100% science.A decent sniper is going to need more than 150% in his guns skill for accurate shooting so boosting it up to 200% at the very least is a good idea.

If it were me and i didnt care about crafting anything it would look a bit different

St 5
Pe 7
En 6
Ca 3
In 6
Ag 8
Lk 6

Traits - Small Frame and either nothing or possibly Finesse

Tagged - Small Guns, Outdoors, First Aid or Doctor
For traveling your going to need Outdoors unless your planning to only use this guy when your with someone who can transport you around.I prefer to have it rather than waste an hour moving from one place to another so i bump it up to 100 at the very least.First Aid is useful but with the new system for healing it causes weakness every time you use it.Every time you respawn after death your also weakened.Doctor is great because it not only heals your busted limbs it also heals weakness.I would bump Doc up to at least 90 so that i could heal my weakness and have someone in town use FA on my guy rahter than have to wait for the 8 minutes it takes for weakeness to pass.Doc doesnt have to be raised as high as Fa to very effective
For perks its up to you really but a sniper needs some crits and sharpshooter is a must with 7 Pe.Toughness and Lifegiver are also good perks but if i was going to pick one it would be Lifegiver for a sniper because your going to want to stay out of heavy fire as much as possible and shoot from a distance.
Alternately you could say screw Ca completely and dump 2 more into Pe giving you 9 and forget Sharpshooter all together giving you room for something else,maybe BRoF
Re: Sniper / Small gunner Build.
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2010, 11:04:51 am »

Skilled isnt really that great for a sniper because it cuts into your perks and a good sniper needs more crits and better crits.
Skilled isn't really great for ANY character, except if you want to make alt for bombing/pure crafting on low level as soon as possible. Because you losing 2 perk slots, but there're exist perks which can increase your skills on even more, than you getting by this trait. So trait is useless really.

Traits - Small Frame and either nothing or possibly Finesse
Never take nothing, if you didn't took Fast Metabolism or Good Natured. If you could pick more than 2 traits, then these 2 were always picked.
So you can try Small Frame+Fast Metabolism/Small Frame+Good Natured.
Also if you're jet user, you can pick Chem Reliant, but it won't make much difference.
Re: Sniper / Small gunner Build.
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2010, 05:02:14 pm »

Ok, thx you all a lot for tips and advice. Now i can play with my char :)
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