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Changelog 03/01/2010 #2

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- Follower bugfix, if master got killed, they sometimes teleported away from map, even when in guard mode.

- Follower slots calculation changed. It checks how mercs/slaves you have on the map now instead of checking globally when determining how many you have in your party. The global check was very buggy, so it's switch back to this check. Maybe it will stay like this, or be changed again.
- You can tell your follower to put down his/her weapon and also to arm himself/herself with the best weapon it has in the inventory, accordingly to the weapon skills of the follower.

hi, Q

I have charisma 4

when I have 2 brahmins(in tent near NCR) ...merc seller in NCR told my i am ugly...
I sell 1 brahmin ... they said the same(after i choose the price for minigun merc)...you are ugly...
then i sell the second brahmin... after that i buy 1 merc....but cant buy the second merc...
it is the formula that 2 brahmin = 1 merc?

and with charisma 4 how many merc i can have? 4? or 2.
thx for time and answer


--- Quote from: Pupok on January 03, 2010, 08:01:27 pm ---and with charisma 4 how many merc i can have? 4? or 2.
thx for time and answer

--- End quote ---

Formula for amount of follower (brahmins/mercs/slaves) is ((CH-1)/2) + additional perks that makes it possible to have more followers.

With CH4 it means you should be able to have 1. It however applies only per map (was globally before), so if you let your followers wait on another map, you'll be able to buy one more.


--- Quote from: Ghosthack on January 03, 2010, 08:13:46 pm ---Formula for amount of follower (brahmins/mercs/slaves) is ((CH-1)/2) + additional perks that makes it possible to have more followers.

With CH4 it means you should be able to have 1. It however applies only per map (was globally before), so if you let your followers wait on another map, you'll be able to buy one more.

--- End quote ---

hmm, ok thx, but how was  it possible that i have 2 brahmins going with me also on the world map(party slots, so I and two brahmins, together 3 in party) and on the NCR too... than that formula was wrong or bugged?

and wagon are slot free? so i mean when i buy brahmin and than make a caravan from it...than it is like a brahmin or like a car ...

if i understand , last update isnt about caravan , but i ask for sure...i can with my craft charisma 4 buy brahmin , transform it to caravam...take it on some encounter on world map and than buy another brahmin, - caravan, ..... so i can have 10 caravan like that?

What happens when you exceed your slot number on any given map, say you have 4 mercs and you drop them off to guard your base, can you buy 4 more and then bring them to your base and have them guard too?


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