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Why you hate (or love) Fallout 3
--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on May 06, 2010, 09:36:07 pm ---Well, even if the game is crap... Theres something more pathetic than that. Really pathetic. This:
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Yeah it sucks because i can't play it isn't like a logical argument, as for bethesda sucking I loved the elderscrolls series.
still bethesda fails miserably at making towns :P both in f3 and oblivion >.< (dont remember older elder scrolls)
as I said about f3 - towns got like 30--40 people max in them :P that aint a town... damn that almost doesnt count as a village >.< same problem in oblivion where there where HUGE FRIKKIN CASTLES WITH HUGE FRIKKING WALLS WITH HUGE FRIKKING BUILDINGS IN IT but every HUGE FRIKKING HOUSE had like max 2 people living inside of them (if you don't count in the guilds)... so a city with megawalls and megacastle and megahouses with like 30 citizens ::) "yup thats just feels realistic when walking in there"
//oblivion was a really fun game too, but had many flaws of wich one was kvatch not being rebuilt (mod fixed that) OR the lets hold (not taking into inventory) an owned object and everyone gets pissed off, but as with f3 - mods fixed these things ;)
yeah, after morowind bethesda really have thrown themselves off a cliff and shat in our cereal, but we are still sitting at the table eating spoonfuls...
--- Quote from: gordulan on May 07, 2010, 06:09:37 pm ---yeah, after morowind bethesda really have thrown themselves off a cliff and shat in our cereal, but we are still sitting at the table eating spoonfuls...
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nah, we are sitting with blindfolds and are being fed by a person who says it is good cereals :P
I hate it because of the game mechanic exploits, But I LOOOOOOVE IT because it is the exact kind of MMO i've been looking for. You don't need to rely your charismatic weak ass on traitorous players! Hire a small army of mercs and they'll haul ass for ya! XD.
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