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Why you hate (or love) Fallout 3

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I hate the game because:
 * It doesn't run on my computer (my video card is too old)
 * It is a FPS, not RPG like fallout 1/2
 * It was made by Betheseda
 * Betheseda later bought IDsoftware, that's why Betheseda is shit
 * There are very much negative comments about the game
 * It's no more turnbased
 * It is shit.


--- Quote from: Haraldx on May 06, 2010, 05:51:43 pm ---I hate the game because:
 * It doesn't run on my computer (my video card is too old)
 * It is a FPS, not RPG like fallout 1/2
 * It was made by Betheseda
 * Betheseda later bought IDsoftware, that's why Betheseda is shit
 * There are very much negative comments about the game
 * It's no more turnbased
 * It is shit.

--- End quote ---

You "hate" a game because there are other people pulling negative comments out, or because a certain company made it?
Not that I love the game, but those aren't arguments there, dude.

Fallout 3 had it's moments. But as a Fallout game, it fails COMPLETELY. In most of the moments, it even fails as a game. FPS elements were badly executed, same as "RPG" moments. It was mediocre at best. Some ideas were good, some seem to be written down by some janitors at bethesdas office when they were drunk.

And "the game has good mods" is no excuse for me. I don't want to install player created stuff on a game that should be good from the beginning. (also, seeing those manga crap and nude patches on Nexus often makes me nearly commit suicide).


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on May 06, 2010, 07:00:54 pm ---And "the game has good mods" is no excuse for me. I don't want to install player created stuff on a game that should be good from the beginning. (also, seeing those manga crap and nude patches on Nexus often makes me nearly commit suicide).

--- End quote ---

I find that the only entertaining thing about F3. Without shitload of mods and unofficial updates the game is a disaster (and we are talking about literary hundreds of mods here). But Bethe$da certainly managed to beat the living shit out of it. I mean sell such product with such success is something beyond ordinary mans powers.

Maybe there are some gems of modding hidden between all this crap on FO3 nexxus, but that doesn't change the fact. One can fix the bugs, or mod them to be a bit better. But if the main content is fucked up, that won't change a thing.

Quentin Lang:
Well, even if the game is crap... Theres something more pathetic than that. Really pathetic. This:

--- Quote from: Haraldx on May 06, 2010, 05:51:43 pm ---I hate the game because:
 * It doesn't run on my computer (my video card is too old)
 * It is a FPS, not RPG like fallout 1/2
 * It was made by Betheseda
 * Betheseda later bought IDsoftware, that's why Betheseda is shit
 * There are very much negative comments about the game
 * It's no more turnbased
 * It is shit.

--- End quote ---


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