Other > Off-topic discussions
Power Armor
I'm sorry, I just had to post this.
would be more impressive if the guy made a T51B PA, the classic
So much fail in this comment page under the picture. :-\
"T-45d and brotherhood armor is the same thing." ::)
Also I don't think it's wearable, it seems like one of these things bethesda made for promotional purposes.
It was a fan made armor.
And yes, Bethesdas power armor is ugly ass.
Mr Feltzer:
Bethesta fucked up EVERYTHING,
Everything was Sized down like a Motherfucker,
Miniguns, Weak ass Shit
Power Armour. 1 Inch Thick?
Zookas? Only Kill Raiders.
Muties can be killed in 1 Hit with a Hunting Rifle.
I Think Bethesta Should Jump Off a Cliff and Give Fallout to Interplay in its will.
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