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[Archive] Questions and Answers #2

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--- Quote from: HertogJan on July 15, 2010, 09:41:12 am ---This will result in a character starting with less than 50% in small guns, which means you can do the quest to get the 15% bonus.

--- End quote ---
Does it have to be exactly 50% smallguns or can it be more?

Imagine a lvl 21 burster with 200% smallguns goin in there and getting an extra 15%!  :o


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on July 15, 2010, 10:00:06 am ---Does it have to be exactly 50% smallguns or can it be more?

Imagine a lvl 21 burster with 200% smallguns goin in there and getting an extra 15%!  :o

--- End quote ---

Wiki says < 50%, so max. 49%.
I'm pretty sure it said 45% not long ago.

i just see that the "master Trader" perk doesnt exist anymore  :o is it since a long time ?
will it be back a day ? barter is already useless so without this perk it's worst.

Heckler Spray:
It has been deleted since 7 or 8 months, something like that, because it didn't work.

Don't know if they will bring it back.
Same with Mr Fixit, I really miss this perk...  :'(

Bur barter skill can be usefull in some cases.

another one: how much AP will be used to build a tent? i canĀ“t remember.. was it 6 or 7?
in other words, how much AG i need at least to be able to build a tent?


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