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[Archive] Questions and Answers #2

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Jack Torrance:

I have QUITE IMPORTANT question about Outdorsman skill - on what level (above 100 of course) I can get message that I met "wastelander" (player) in encounter? I remember that one of my first chars had quite high Outdorsman skill, and first during character development I started getting messages that I met "wastelander", then when I raised the skill a little more I started getting messages with the exact nickname of a player in encounter.

Does anyone knows on what level of Outdoorsman it starts? Like 120, 140...? ;)  

I'm asking cause I have an idea of makeing a PvP char, hunting others on main map :D You know... camping is boring :P and in most unguarded cities you need to have a group to surwive, and I like to hunt alone sometimes...

Btw. I KNOW that it depends from Outdoorsman skill of a other player too (I mean the chance to "find him" on map), but most players have this skill about 100 points or even less, so the question is how much do I need to have this advantage over them.

Yeah i found that too but i found it kinda outdated, someone should fix it :)


--- Quote from: Jack Torrance on July 13, 2010, 06:30:07 pm ---...on what level I can get message that I met "wastelander" (player) in encounter? I remember that one of my first chars had quite high Outdorsman skill, and first during character development I started getting messages that I met "wastelander", then when I raised the skill a little more I started getting messages with the exact nickname of a player in encounter.

Does anyone knows on what level of Outdoorsman it starts? Like 120, 140...? ;)  

...I KNOW that it depends from Outdoorsman skill of a other player too (I mean the chance to "find him" on map), but most players have this skill about 100 points or even less, so the question is how much do I need to have this advantage over them.

--- End quote ---

I think you have the wrong assumption. I'll try to explain. When you have the option to encounter a person in an encounter, it will come as "Scorpions and wastelander" if you don't have Awareness perk. It will come up as "Scorpions and [Player name] if you do have Awareness.

You can have the option to encounter other players with 40 Outdoorsman and with 200 Outdoorsman, it is just you have more chance of finding optional encounters with higher Outdoorsman.

Also, if you are in congested areas like around NCR, you will get a lot more of these encounters than in an isolated place like around the Glow.

Edit - Okay I have a question:

In the case of the caravan encounters people use as traps, is it possible to enter the encounter by just encountering them by going over the world-map tile or do I have to intentionally go into the dot?

how can i gain access to toxic caves?



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