Other > Suggestions

Make alcochols usable :)

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well, i use roentgen run and gamma gulp beer just because i'm making a landing strip at my tent

Mr Feltzer:
Im Happy Face with being able to make Beer Now, But The More the Merrier!

Plus, If you drink a beer give more Strength, less Perception


--- Quote from: FischiPiSti on May 02, 2010, 07:02:43 pm ---Hmm, -1 PE, -1 IN, +1 EN, +1 CH?
+1 EN would be just a cosmetic thing unless youre heading to the glow lol
1-3 INT characters allready cant talk properly(in chat) for which the devs deserve HUGE kudos, it would be funny if characters couldnt talk after 2+ beers :D

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Wouldn't they be able to abuse the EN when they raise a Level while having those effects?

Quentin Lang:

--- Quote from: Gargols on May 04, 2010, 01:17:08 pm ---Wouldn't they be able to abuse the EN when they raise a Level while having those effects?

--- End quote ---
No. That way everyone would use jet/mentats/buffout just to gain extra health, skill points, etc.

i'd go for this.

Beer = -1 INT +1 CHA.

Booze = -1 INT -1 AGL +1 END, and or +1 STR.

and the gamma gulp rad versions would do the same, but they would give you rad as well.

i'd also vote for the drunken system, and also, make them something you could get fairly easily hooked on as well, not quite as bad as say, buffout, but still quite bad, so it'd be a low levels drug only, which means the poor mans pick me up etc.




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