Other > Fan Art

Low Poly Vault Dweller

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--- Quote from: Lexx on May 01, 2010, 05:07:13 pm ---Keep in mind, it can't be used for FOnline: 2238, because we are using the Van Buren player models.

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Ah, so the 3d character contest is over ;)
Never mind. It was fun and a challenge to make 3d character as close as possible to original graphics.

There never really was one, as nobody except Baael has done something. :>

Cool model.

Thanks to all.

--- Quote from: Alvarez on May 01, 2010, 04:39:39 pm ---Holy shit, man, that's a perfect match!   :D

Do you plan to animate the model soon?

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I planed to do something about it, and I wil,l in time, though,  it will be pure fun, since the devs cannot use it.

Yeah it's a shame you did a great job. I'm pretty excited to be a fat bearded guy with a shotgun though.


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