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text color
I nearly started game can someone explain me what command use to example change name color or typeing text color?
I have problems too with bug letters capslock not working :(
It depends on many things. And remember, you can't change your own nick's color.
You have two ways to do it :
- Click on allies and select the Angel face. Their nicknames will turn green. Then click on ennemies and select the evil face. Their nicknames will turn red.
- Using the Namecolorizing.txt in your FOnline folder : Instructions are in that textfile. It uses RGB colors. In a first part, you set who is who (Example : Izual GMcolor GMcontour) and then the RGB related to the name.
Example :
--- Quote ---#
# Player names and contours colorizer.
# - Everyone missing from the list will have a global karma nick color. To disable it, type name with only "*".
# - Instead of space, type "&". For example: "One&Two" is equal to "One Two".
# - You can use "*" and "?" characters in name, the first case skips one or more letters, second only one.
# Names section
# Player name Name color Contour color
> cvet NameGM ContourGM
> GhostHack NameGM ContourGM
> Ilonakaka NameGM ContourGM
> Izual NameGM ContourGM
> Lady&Lilith NameGM ContourGM
> Lexx NameGM ContourGM
> Nikopol NameGM ContourGM
> Rusty NameGM ContourGM
> Samira NameGM ContourGM
> Solar NameGM ContourGM
# Colors section
# Color name R G B
@ NameGM 0 255 255
@ ContourGM 0 255 255
--- End quote ---
The players with NameGM and Contour GM will have a nickname (and a contour, when in attack mode) with 0 Red, 255 Green and 255 Blue (That's teal).
but how to do big letters in my nick ? or when writeing ? capslock not working
--- Quote ---And remember, you can't change your own nick's color.
--- End quote ---
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