Other > Suggestions

Gambling strikes back

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--- Quote from: AmneziaHaze on January 05, 2010, 08:27:29 am ---(...) playing using money just from players, not generated by system((like traders money and stuff). when you win in rulette or something like that - just take all money from last games prices.
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True, but you need cash for start a bussines, and machines must be full and ready for players who want to play all the time. We can take it from city gambling cash, gambling cash in general or any other source that is already part of economy. I don't want to point at any source... It's just a suggestion after all, so mechanics for it are up to devs :)

--- Quote from: AmneziaHaze on January 05, 2010, 08:27:29 am ---(...) gambling and speech skills there is now just last two non-playable skills in game (...)

--- End quote ---

Speech is waiting for quests to be usuable, but lockpick in current state is useless too (my opinion as player with lockpicker char... but that's discussion for another thread).

I think this idea is great, and gambling really needs to be put to use again.
Could we see some input from a developer on this?

This needs to be refreshed, it's got some really good ideas. I hope the devs haven't forgotten about this one... It's been over 120 days...

Anyhow I like all the ideas except the "stealable" slot machines, it might make it so that in the long run most machines have been robbed or broken... we would get tired of having to come back every hour to see if some thief didn't rob them yet...

Also Casino's would be full of pkers lol so our rep with that town should really affect how safe it is to gamble at... If I'm neutral I should have maybe one guard assigned to protect me, if higher I should get more... But that doesn't mean that they follow me around, it just means I have 1 guy watching my back, but if I win a jackpot I should get an escort out of the casino :P

I hope this one isn't forgotten about, I stumbled upon it during a newer post when one of the gm's posted a link to this...


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