Other > Closed suggestions

Name filter when buying from vendors.

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I'm sure many people also have the same problem, which is that when bartering you have to scroll the item list for like 20 seconds to find something you actually need.
Almost everytime I don't have time to scroll it all through, so the window dissapears. Even if I somehow manage to find the item I'm not fast enough to buy it.
My suggestion is to place a name filter there - in example, we write ".223" in the filter, and finally - we only see the items we need :D. .223 ammo, .223 pistol, maybe even all the weapons that use .223 ammo? (would be more complicated though).

This is 100500 topic about the problem. It is not solved yet not because devs want us to suffer, but because of difficulties with programming or smth.

just raise your barter skill to extend bartering timeout, it has been mentioned 1000 times, and now you suffer for the way you create your character (with low barter), and its not a reason to make suggestions because of that.

take some caps with you and sel one by one until u reach your needed item/trade


--- Quote from: Josefista on April 29, 2010, 03:56:27 pm ---take some caps with you and sel one by one until u reach your needed item/trade

--- End quote ---

lol i do that


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