Other > Closed suggestions

Money in hand

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Dont know how it was in F2 but the money in the bank and held in hand should be available to transfer (ie deposit),while in the dialog. Preventing some thieves to steal it. Plus its more natural that you have cash in your hands giving it to the banker! Its like the banker took them from your pockets ;). Also I think it should work with vendors, sometimes I carry a lot of cash and barter and thieves are like FLIES in NCR

+1 it would be nice to hold things in hand for safety when trading depositing cash

Depositing cash from hand worked just fine last time I checked.
If you want to withdraw caps then first withdraw 1. Take it into your hand, and then take as much as you want. It'll stack with your money in hand.

i can confirm this, blahblah is correct. Now close this suggestion.

wow it works! I swear I did it yesterday and couldnt do it ;) Sorry


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