Other > Suggestions

Limit maximal skill%

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--- Quote from: Surf Solar on April 29, 2010, 01:52:37 pm ---Removed spam.

If you ain't got nothing to say, or things like "Did you forget your pills today" etc. then don't post here.
If you don't like the things that are suggested here, but have some valid arguments, feel free to post it in a proper way.

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dont you think that best suggestion would be to close this topic now?


--- Quote from: Frosti on April 29, 2010, 10:59:26 am ---You will keep this buffs/bonuses as long as you live - when you die you need kill creatures again to gain buffs/bonuses. This will make players use rad-away to cure radiation after fighting centaurs, visit doctor to fix crippled limbs instead of using death to cure all wounds. This will also incraese thier small maximal level of weapon skill ( 100% is weapon skill max for exemple ;)) . How about this?

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Somehow it reminds me this idea and it has some point.


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