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Author Topic: Gambling...  (Read 3646 times)


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« on: May 11, 2010, 11:06:59 pm »

Everyone knows that gambling is part of game since fallout 1, but it can't be added in Fonline cause it becomes in way to farm money. So there is one simple way to add it to FO and prefer farming of money - let players gamble with players.

How it will looks like ?
1st - Player 1 must to find/buy deck of cards or dices.
2nd - Player 1 must to find opponent to play with (lets say Player 2).
3rd - Player 1 come to Player 2 and say:"hey dude, lets play cards?" (and of course Player 2 is agree).

After what Player 1 puts deck of cards/dices item in active slot, and use it on Player 2. Player 2 see opened window "Player 1 wants to gamble with you" (just like when you trading), Player 2 can confirm or decline, Player 2 confirms, after what opens window similar with trading window, but with button "play" instead of "trade", here players makes a stakes by any things from their inventory (money, items, recourses or whatever). After stakes are done and players ready to play they push "play" button and ... you are the winner ! or not ...

How it will work ?
Chance to win, of course, will depends on your skill and luck, but there is must be some random numbers in formula, to let players play more then one time. I mean that even worst player must have a chance (minimal, but its still a chance to win) to win game with professional gambler.
I suggest to use this formula: <your gambling skill>/<opponents luck>+<dice roll(1-50)>. Total result will compare with your opponents result, player who have bigger number wins.

So ... lets say Player 1 have 235 gambling skill and 6 luck, Player 2 have 150 skill and 10 luck.
Player 1.  235/10+(lets say)11=34
Player 2.  150/6+(lets say)21=46
34<46, so Player 2 wins !

Why we need it ?
1) For RP, there can be some kind of events for gamblers in New Reno casinos with prizes.
2) For entertaining in not PvP time, if you haven't much gambling skill you can play with guy who have roughly same skill as your.
3) And maybe for Profit ...

Sorry for my English, i hope you get my idea.


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Re: Gambling...
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 11:12:22 pm »

with current character developement it would be just alt vs alt most propably :(

but id still like to see an use for gambling in game
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Re: Gambling...
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 11:32:19 pm »

I'd like to see some actual human impact on the thing. Because it there is non it would end up as battle of numbers which is quiet boring and only thing that would be exiting on this is finding out who has more Gambling skill than you are and who has less. Once you know it you will simply never play with stronger opponent etc... Skill should not determine everything. It should make things easier or more difficult but simple "A>B, A=B, A<B" would not be the best choice.


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Re: Gambling...
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 11:51:31 pm »

I'd like to see some actual human impact on the thing. Because it there is non it would end up as battle of numbers which is quiet boring and only thing that would be exiting on this is finding out who has more Gambling skill than you are and who has less. Once you know it you will simply never play with stronger opponent etc... Skill should not determine everything. It should make things easier or more difficult but simple "A>B, A=B, A<B" would not be the best choice.
I think there cant be any human impacts in cause of engine, you should know that most processes in it based on maths and formulas, this suggestion isnt complicated so fell free to suggest your variants of formula.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 11:53:22 pm by ChikChik »


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Re: Gambling...
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2010, 03:15:30 am »

well, this skill was made for chosen one, he was able to manipulate the dices with his chosen aura
others of you should have a random roll while playin dices
id like to see that people can bet some valuable stuff just on damn numbers
with succes rate related with character anyhow noone without 300 gamgling + 10 luck will use this feature, as it will become another way of making powerbuild...
powergambling *sighs*
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Re: Gambling...
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2010, 05:31:19 am »

Game in the game? Well, i prefer Russian roulette
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Re: Gambling...
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2010, 05:39:08 am »

Game in the game is good, as long as it doesn't bases on stats. It's just boring to see a card game or whatever where you just can't win because the opposite has better stats then you. Gambling, or hell even little mini games (as long as they are "fallouty") wouldn't damage the games atmosphere.

Hell, Obsidian (where some of the original FO's devs work) even invented a totally new cards game, it's called "Caravan".


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Re: Gambling...
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2010, 01:15:57 pm »

Game in the game is good, as long as it doesn't bases on stats. It's just boring to see a card game or whatever where you just can't win because the opposite has better stats then you. Gambling, or hell even little mini games (as long as they are "fallouty") wouldn't damage the games atmosphere.

Hell, Obsidian (where some of the original FO's devs work) even invented a totally new cards game, it's called "Caravan".

This, plus
@ ChikChik why would the people play between themselves anyway? Id like the idea for gambling if one would be able to gamble in casinos, again it would be alt-paradise for wealthy factions so its better not to put the foot in it.
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Re: Gambling...
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2010, 09:16:37 pm »

already did, about 2 wipes ago, if I am correct, overnight many peoples alts had gotten about 1 Billion caps, each.
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