Other > Closed suggestions



its good skill to have, either ways some pkers are doing it on noobs, tracking" them to their tents as followers, why dont we allow tracking of players with levels higher than 12 who have access to a base, this way we save the noob from being pked everynow and then and the action ffocuses on the big gangs.

I think I had to reenter NCR at Vortis Holding everytime in any case of "tracking", or going to other guarded city on my way. Anyway it'll just add more whining on forum about robbing people and more wasting time for me to check it everytime, as I said, by visiting city from at other spawn point (as I undersrand you can't see tracking players at party list, so I had to do that everytime I leave NCR), and don't set 12+ or 10+ level for this. If track is possible make it for everyone.

Tracking is not in the game.

This, what you mean, is simple following someone. It's easy to prevent: Use your brain. Don't build your tent too close to a city and on leaving a city, just like the NCR, wait a few seconds to see, if someone is following you. If someone is following you, you can either go back into the town or kick him out of your group on worldmap.

No, I thought he wanted to suggest to make follow someone without being noticed by victim.

I think its a very useful feature if u can follow high level charatcters out of say ncr to their base without them noticing,


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