Other > Closed suggestions

The Prison

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--- Quote from: FischiPiSti on April 15, 2010, 04:50:57 pm ---How about: Guards will allways see if someone steals, but do nothing unless he succeeds. If they fail, the players can kill them. IF they succeed, he gets a thief "tag", but not the old one. The new thief tag does not let players attack the thief, hower, guards intercept UNARMED(or with http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Club XD), and chase the thief out of the city shouting "STOP! THIEF!" He loses karma(but only to a certain minimum,like -1200), and when the thief has negativ karma that would otherwise result in instant death, they would rather chase him unarmed the second he steps in the city. He could sneak however, but high enough sneak+steal? Impossible. If the thief attacks anybody in the city, the thief tag is erased, thus guards kill him instantly.

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--- Quote from: FischiPiSti on April 18, 2010, 03:02:51 am ---Jail? Disguise? Hmm... I smell another brainstorm approaching..

What if... There was a command(as WIP, like: '~namechange name') to change your name temporarily. Name = appearance(imagination, rp stuff.), like in the hitman games, or the spy class from team fortress 2. The higher the steal skill, the more time you could be your alterego. Like 1 steal skill =1 second(useless). 300 steal = 300 seconds. Add a high CD ofc, and cannot be done while beeing seen->high sneak.
Effects:  Picked name colored from namecolorizing for that period. Neutral NPCs(like guards) would ignore you for that period. The thief can go into low rep towns this way, for a maximum of 300 seconds, to well..steal stuff, before he is discovered and hunted down. zOMG just think of teh possibilitys PvP wise, teh chaos :O Factions need a password because nobody could be trusted. With high sneak, it would mean the perfect scout.

As for jailing: Based on the idea i brought up a few posts ago, when guards chase the thief unarmed shouting stop thief, if they catch and kill them, they would respawn in a jail area.

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A convenient solution to escape from prison would be to pick the lock. :P Why didnt anyone bring it up? Prison cell -> Lockpick.


--- Quote from: Lexx on April 26, 2010, 12:19:20 pm ---The NCR, actually, is running at least one prison, which is called Black Canyon.

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interesting, didn't remember hearing about that myself.

and well, this is a suggestion topic so i might as well say something less negative.

first off, if this -was- going to be used, i would suggest that the guards be given a better set of eyes for spotting pick pockets, and act upon anyone looking in to others pockets, this would help to lower the amount of "omfg, that noob pick pocket stole my minigun! *calls gang and has them bomb the place*" and later "omfg, that noob pick pocket got us all thrown in jail for blowing him up!" you hear from gangs, which while they can be quite nasty, have a right to play just as much as a "wanna be" player killer hunter such as myself, and personally, i like FOnlines outlawish ways if anyone wants to taik about that.

as for using this to bring more "role play" around, personally i think this is a MMOG, not a game like neverwinter nights where you can really "role play", so that really does not make sense to me why this would really be a good reason to add this.

but to be honest, if you want to keep this up, you have to look at every one who will end up being locked up as well.

i tried to be less negative. cheers.


I like The Sims.


--- Quote from: Badger on April 27, 2010, 02:46:06 am ---I like The Sims.

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Finally someone has the balls to say it clear!  :P

i used to like it but it got boring, no options to collect guns as a hobby.


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