Other > Closed suggestions

Barter and Merchant stock timeout

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This seems designed to irritate players. I understand why there's a timeout for having their stock open in the first place; it's to prevent people from hogging all the space.

But for players, especially new ones, having it only open for 16-30 seconds is extremely irritating. I've had it shut down just before I was about to complete a trade. The only thing this accomplishes is for me to go through the conversation and open up the inventory AGAIN.

It would be better to just extend the time to a fixed amount (2-3 minutes), or, the timeouts only start occurring when the person looking at the stock isn't doing anything (scrolling, attempting to buy, etc.)

Desert Pilot:
Well still players could hog the trader and sit there all day even scrolling.
Even more annoying than the timeouts is waiting to get to the trader in a crowded NCR.
And it would make it hell for the players waiting.
So this wouldn't be to good of an idea.

just raise your barter skill to extend timeout.


--- Quote from: vedaras on April 24, 2010, 08:51:56 pm ---just raise your barter skill to extend timeout.

--- End quote ---

Raising your barter skill extends timeout!??!?  WHY WASNT I INFORMED OF THIS!?  lol >.>


--- Quote from: Desert Pilot on April 24, 2010, 08:01:20 pm ---Well still players could hog the trader and sit there all day even scrolling.
Even more annoying than the timeouts is waiting to get to the trader in a crowded NCR.
And it would make it hell for the players waiting.
So this wouldn't be to good of an idea.

--- End quote ---

Yes, because a player really wants to sit around, scrolling back and forth a screen, for minutes on end. I don't mind waiting in a crowded NCR, but canceling like that only causes MORE delays in the end: The people waiting there just re-open the conversation and try to buy again. Massive waste of time.

On the one hand it encourages players to move quickly, but still...


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