Other > Closed suggestions

Chinese speaking subforum

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I don't want to start new topic because of this since its minority so I'll post it here:
All other sub forums have their names in native language, only Czech - Slovak section is in English. I'd suggest to rename it. Currently its "Czechoslovakia" but that state does not exist for quiet some time so I would change the subforum title to "Československé fórum".

If there'd be a chinese sub forum, we'd need a moderator for it. I just don't know all the chinese people in here - are there enough to make a new subforum for it? And who should be it's Mod? If everythings clear then there'll be a chinese subforum I suppose. :)

--- Quote ---I don't want to start new topic because of this since its minority so I'll post it here:
All other sub forums have their names in native language, only Czech - Slovak section is in English. I'd suggest to rename it. Currently its "Czechoslovakia" but that state does not exist for quiet some time so I would change the subforum title to "Československé fórum".
--- End quote ---

Forwarded it to scypior, thanks!


--- Quote from: bipboy on April 24, 2010, 11:54:54 am ---We just made a successful test to see that the forum does support Chinese character input. We love to play fallout series and FOnline makes the FO legend to a new level. We have our own forum but a Chinese subforum in FOnline official forum could be better in promoting and communicating among global Chinese speaking FO fun bases.

--- End quote ---

If you can send me a PM with name of the forum (with chinese characters) it can be done.

This can be considered "spam" - I'm actually surprised seeing even chinese players here! It's very great playing on a server with so many players from different countries. :) Count that as "positive feedback" if you want.  :P

of course the language barrier for us to play FOnline is higher but there are more than 10 active Chinese players now. We constantly checking forum for important info (change log, game help etc.) and report bugs/feed backs. Thank you devs and gms for making such a wonderful game and bring the global fans of FO together.

PM sent to ghosthack


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