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Sneak problem
--- Quote from: NTR on April 25, 2010, 02:17:49 pm ---You can see every sneak char from 3 hexes, even with 1 PE. You can't go lower than 3 hexes with sneak.
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you know this from where?? from wiki? manual? yes but there is wroten something about penalties for armor, items in inv and for penalties from which side you go , but these penalties dont work now ,so i think it can be possible that this minimum distance is turned off too.
--- Quote from: Magor on April 25, 2010, 03:26:20 pm ---you know this from where?? from wiki? manual? yes but there is wroten something about penalties for armor, items in inv and for penalties from which side you go , but these penalties dont work now ,so i think it can be possible that this minimum distance is turned off too.
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Look at this table:
Sneaking penalties aren't disabled, the whole sneaking system is set back to Fallout 2.
You can really see every sneaking char from 3 hexes (2 hexes away from you). And yes, I've checked and tested it.
ok then ,but i dont see diference between 1 and 3 hexes, it does not matter if they shoots at you with minigun from 1 or 3 hexes,you are dead anyway.
But is this table actual?? just wanna know because in this table arent decreases for armors, sides etc. so it looks like actual...
The best way how to make it not usable for idiots with minigun is return back penalties, sneaker should not wear armor, also there must be penalties from what side you go to object. If there will be penalties like was wrote in changelog:
-0 skill points from back
-25 from back-side
-50 from front-side
-75 from front.
just look to that table you post and -75 from skill like you go from front , they will see you from 12-13 hexes if you have sneak on 300 and they PE on 10 so people with low sneak cant use it (low is <250).
--- Quote from: Magor on April 25, 2010, 03:51:05 pm ---ok then ,but i dont see diference between 1 and 3 hexes, it does not matter if they shoots at you with minigun from 1 or 3 hexes,you are dead anyway.
But is this table actual?? just wanna know because in this table arent decreases for armors, sides etc. so it looks like actual...
The best way how to make it not usable for idiots with minigun is return back penalties, sneaker should not wear armor, also there must be penalties from what side you go to object. If there will be penalties like was wrote in changelog:
-0 skill points from back
-25 from back-side
-50 from front-side
-75 from front.
just look to that table you post and -75 from skill like you go from front , they will see you from 12-13 hexes if you have sneak on 300 and they PE on 10 so people with low sneak cant use it (low is <250).
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Magore, they cant activate it since FOV cause huge lags. forget about this system for nowadays.
btw I would not restrict armors for sneakers so much, imo granade throwers and melee/unarmed sneakers should be as well armoured as others. However weapon restriction is needed for sure.
--- Quote from: Lexx on April 24, 2010, 11:23:32 pm ---Yes and what? Should I use my magick to fix it? I wrote that it's not possible right now. If we reactivate FOV, we will have monster lags again.
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For sure, we wanted FOV back ? No, we wanted Sneak skill off or nerfed until you will be have solution. It will be temporary.
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