Other > Suggestions
PK solution
Bump for having player killers noticable by adding nick colour change or icon for killing players, that will stay much longer then mentioned above 10 minuts - more like 10 days.
i'd say 3.5 hours since the last PK, mindless PKs are like pixel junkies, they want to see little red hued pixels slosh around on the screen.
Theres the Karma list, its all thats needed. The mistrust of strangers you meet is a great part of the atmosphere ;)
But there is no mistrust - its paranoia - you have to shoot first if you have occasion to shoot first in random encounter couse if other player is PKer you have only little chances to survive second turn.
yep, i take most people i meet down and leave them down with 2 weak healing powders next to their bullet riddled body, so they owe me one for not killing em, however, if the guy is wearing metal i slaughter the guy as brutally as possible, the only person you can trust not to steal your stuff (if you wear anything apart from metal armour, if you do, i assume you're a PK) while wearing metal MK2 would be me.
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