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What is Role Playing?

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You will have to beg GM's for tribal skin - thats at least closer then jumpsuit.

The text hits spot-on the main issues: people don't play a role in RPGs anymore, they metaplay by treating the RPG as a board game, not as a fictional scenario. Roleplayers take into account the setting, time, what his character knows at that point, that his character can't see the name written above that person, that his character can't go using words like leveling and such, and among other things. Metaplayers just go around calling people by their names, using memes and slangs from his current era, telling everyone their level, they don't play the role at all.

However, there are many profiles of players and all should be acceptable. What isn't acceptable is having metagamers calling themselves roleplayers just because they play (not) a RPG.

A good text overall and I'd post a comment, if it allowed anonymity.


--- Quote from: Arminius on December 28, 2009, 11:52:07 pm ---Metaplayers just go around calling people by their names, using memes and slangs from his current era, telling everyone their level, they don't play the role at all.
--- End quote ---

Yeah, I hate this absolute. Few days ago, I was online and tried to play a role but was interrupted by other players every two seconds. It's just not fun this way. People just don't get it... dunno why it's so hard to understand.

The same goes for "u" instead of "you", etc... it's just annoying and nothing more. You don't even write better with this, because other players need more time to understand this stuff.

The "Christmas Event" didn't really help...

I was hoping for something Role-Playing related, but instead: "Here, have some Power Armor so you can go run around as an unstoppable killing machine". The "event" was made just to please the power-players of 2238 and not the guys who want to have fun without all the "lol u n00b i kill u". In-fact, I didn't even bother to turn up for the "Christmas event" once I found out what it would entail.

Well, none of these kind of events have been like that, maybe except the comedian or fight night. But that's not really for the thread here.

Mostly it's very much dependant on the players. If they are not acting like they are playing a role, it will not work. And I personally hate it to add strict rules for this and warn with banning players or whatever stuff, just to keep this in line. It's no fun at all.


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