Other > Closed suggestions

Toughness requirements

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Toughness in FO2 required 6 LK and 6 EN, that's why it is like it is. If you want to whine about vanilla FO2 you should whine about their weapon balance :P XL70E3 sucks... I want my 10 ammo burst with XL70E3 :<


--- Quote from: FischiPiSti on April 23, 2010, 01:24:34 am ---Requirements:    Level  3, Endurance 6, Luck 6

Luck 6... I dont see the logic in it. Why do you need to be lucky, to endure pain?
So removing it helps powerbuilds, thats a fact. Would that be a good thing - to help powerbuilds, or bad? You be the judge. I vote to remove the luck requirement nontheless, or at least to change that requirement to something else.


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Totally agree.
This would also works for my topic of reevaluate HtH ( http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=3723.0 )

LCK has no sense at all in this Perks.  I suggest to make STR 7 or 8 as requirement.

--- Quote from: Candy on April 23, 2010, 06:10:07 am ---you can ask black isle :D
fonline and FO1-2 have identical requirements

--- End quote ---

So what?
We can customize everything, also we can balance the game, regardless what Black Isle choose to do.
They are awesome and great devs, but not the bible.

Right now the PvE content in this game is minimal, so I understand why so many people resort to PvP and Pking.

As for Luck i'm pretty sure they put it in there to prevent powerbuilds as has been said, I would like to see some cperks that are good use charisma too so we don't get the no brainer choice of 1 charisma for pvp.

At the moment the only real reason to take more than 1 char is for extra mercenaries or to talk to merchants, you can just make alt for merchants and the quests give out pathetic rewards and xp so not really worth doing them (except maybe 1 or 2 starting quest).

Another one. Cleaned the topic. Please post your constructive thoughts about the topic. Else, please don't post here.


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