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Junktonw massacre - prove that system faild

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--- Quote from: bikkebakke on April 22, 2010, 11:46:51 pm ---I hope that is a joke :P I would agree on testing partial loss (x% on loosing stuff) but keeping everything in fonline lols

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both suggestions sound familiar :P.

But honestly- its a beta TEST- right? Trying some new things for few days would not hurt anyone... right?
Personally I was hoping to try out Weapon/armor  drop disabled where only drugs, misc things, and ammo drops(still a hell good reason to PK)

Its true the gaurd AI is lacking but I think you know what he's talking about.Its too common to see people just throwing gear away on retared actions and its usually done by the same players.Nothing wrong with it really except it does point out the simple fact that all the timers and cooldowns have done nothing but slow it down a little and widen the gap between casuals and "elite".


--- Quote from: Drakonis on April 23, 2010, 02:24:03 am ---Personally I was hoping to try out Weapon/armor  drop disabled where only drugs, misc things, and ammo drops(still a hell good reason to PK)

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How about losing the weapon and armour but keeping misc items?
And it'd be fun to watch it for a day and see what happens. Also, guards and NPCs would be able to fully loot to prevent abuse.

Junktown has proven that guards should NOT move outside the gates where it's easy to kill them in small groups. I say GMs should make 'events' when they spot this kind of actions and go spawn 30 junktown scouts in the attacker's base in return.

Some experiments with drop system would be definitely nice. Maybe let it be as it is just add % chance of not loosing your stuff or something like that.

If you don't want the game to become more MMO simply make a % of item destroyed on death.

You already don't drop armors, so stuff should be in the same way, that would make some PK rethink about it before attacking cause they still lose everything on death but they are not sure to get all back if they get killed in the process even with a friend around.


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