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--- Quote from: blahblah on April 23, 2010, 08:45:32 pm ---There's full loot. Death on every corner. No real safe spots except bases and tents. People following noobs into tents. People spreading misinformation and griefing. "Wasteland is harsh" a motto for all this.
And you want to have a convenient filter list to not hear what people say? It's also annoying that items on the ground can be invisible if behind a wall, so let's have their names appear over them (like in Diablo) so it's easier to spot them.
I'm annoyed at random people behaving Out Of Character, can I have an ignore list to stop them from being visible in my game too? I'm not saying it's a bad suggestion. Just that it's like a magical way to stick fingers up your ears whenever you see someone and start shouting "lalala".

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Dude its supposed to be a GAME. Do you realize that? G - A - M - E.


--- Quote from: Sius on April 23, 2010, 10:24:20 pm ---Dude its supposed to be a GAME. Do you realize that? G - A - M - E.

--- End quote ---
It still has many features which make it a pain in the ass and not a game.

Please do not reply with just "+10". Post your thoughts about the suggestion and not just a oneliner.

Every "+ everything" post will be deleted in the future.


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