Other > Suggestions
Town Control [ discussion + sugestions ]
--- Quote from: Kilgore on April 22, 2010, 06:29:52 pm ---Seriously, dudes, your suggestions are full of mistakes. For example:What about trolls who will just pay for protection and come to the town to say you're a dick? :) As I said, controlling faction's members should be allowed to kill anyone they want. If they kill "protected" guy, they won't get caps he paid, simple. I suggested 500, but it can be more, as more caps will surely discourage players from killing protected players. But still I am aware that lots of players will say "WHOA 500 CAPS FOR FEW HOURS ? THAT'S TOO MUCH!"
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So, I'm paying you 500 caps, coming to your town.
Then meet you there and saying "You're a moron!", so what? Am I so dangerous? If I will try to do something bad, I'll have penalty to reputation, and can't visit this place for a long time, not good for me.
I don't see that the controlling faction members will care about not getting 500 caps, they would kill people and easily get that much back from loot
Mars Sultan:
I'd pay to use the mines/workbench in Broken Hills unmolested. Who knows, maybe I could chat with the faction members about boys or this year's fashions or something.
--- Quote from: geraioptuaer on April 22, 2010, 06:36:22 pm ---I don't see that the controlling faction members will care about not getting 500 caps, they would kill people and easily get that much back from loot
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What loot? A sledgehammer? Please.
People buy protection -> go to a town -> get killed there and lose some loot and HQ ore, let's say. They won't come back there, they will pick up another town instead, controlled by a faction that doesn't kill protected dudes. You can check controlling faction in pipboy. People don't come back = no loot and no caps.
People come back when a particular faction is controlling a town = more profit for a faction -> no reason to kill protected players.
In the long term, factions which don't kill protected players will profit much more than those killing everything on sight.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on April 22, 2010, 06:42:35 pm ---What loot? A sledgehammer? Please.
People buy protection -> go to a town -> get killed there and lose some loot and HQ ore, let's say. They won't come back there, they will pick up another town instead, controlled by a faction that doesn't kill protected dudes. You can check controlling faction in pipboy. People don't come back = no loot and no caps.
People come back when a particular faction is controlling a town = more profit for a faction -> no reason to kill protected players.
In the long term, factions which don't kill protected players will profit much more than those killing everything on sight.
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Not really, you could get more money killing everyone on site, eventually they my be people with better gear who will be shot. Also I don't think they care about 500 caps money when miners carry more than this worth in one trip.
If people don't come back well the faction has less competition for mining etc.
Losing out on 500caps is no way a substantial deterrant.
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