Sorry for my awful english.
In offline games you got a goal : killing the final boss, solving the last quest ...
On reason of the lack of population in Fonline is the lack of reason to fight once you reach lvl 21.
I was thinking of a little add to make the game more interesting on the long run :
- there is a limited number of special bases that anyone can see on the map
- those bases can be conquer by clans : clan leader click on a flag in the middle of the base, and if there is not any other clan member on the map, the base belong to that clan
- clans can own as much bases as they can
- each base is link to a "base perk" : all the members of the clan gain a new "base perk" that works like regular perk.
- when a clan own a base, the program check for all new clan members and add this perk to them
- when a clan own a base, the program check for all previous clan members owner and remove this base perk from them
- when a character log in, program check all the bases his clan own and add bases perks to him, same check when reaching or living a clan
- specials bases can be defend buy mercs, slaves and special automatic fix weapons that need a lot of stuff from the clan to gather, and are destroy when the base is catch
Sorry again for my awful english.