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Hows my character idea
S 5, P 6, E 5, C 3, I 9, A 6, L 6
Tag Small guns, Melee, Repair
Perks: lvl 3 Awareness, lvl 6 More Criticals, Lvl 9 Better Criticals, Lvl 12 Gain Agility (For bonus rate)
lvl 15 Bonus rate of fire, lvl 18 More Criticals
My desire was to design a character who can solo without relying on mules and crap
I tagged Melee because when I first started playing I died alot and it took me a long time to be able to kill cows to even get a tent.
I want to be a sniper with 3 into small guns training, what do you guys think?
be back in about an hour guys I hope you are willing to share some input
Don't take odd number of EN. Your HP per level won't change if you just take 4 instead of 5.
You did use some character planner to plan your skillpoints? Because IN 9 seems quite a lot.. if it doesn't have some good reason (don't know details of the skill height you want).
hi; should work as a crafter/fighter, though you won't have a lot of hp, and with this Perception, you should really take at least one sharpshooter perk !
The one thing is : dont tag Melee, even if you intend to use it a low level ! With your intelligence, you can raise it enough without tagging it !
So your build won't make it in hardcore PvP (not enough sight range to snipe from very far, few HP, no toughness to make you resistant), but you might just be able to kill people in mine skirmishes and stuff.
try it out !
ps : have you tried http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=1984.0, this is Opera's Fonline character planner, the best in my opinion.
--- Quote from: Raegann on April 21, 2010, 11:02:29 pm ---Don't take odd number of EN. Your HP per level won't change if you just take 4 instead of 5.
You did use some character planner to plan your skillpoints? Because IN 9 seems quite a lot.. if it doesn't have some good reason (don't know details of the skill height you want).
--- End quote ---
No I didn't, I did all the math in my head but I didn't know that kind of stuff about EN so thank you would it benefit me more to take a point out of endurance and put it into Perception and maybe a point out of IN to put into PE as well? That would give me 8 PE is that a good amount?
I'm also having a hard time deciding on traits...
--- Quote from: Sephis on April 21, 2010, 11:48:15 pm ---No I didn't I did all the math in my head but I didn't know that kind of stuff about EN so thank you would it benefit me more to take a point out of endurance and put it into Perception and maybe a point out of IN to put into PE as well? That would give me 8 PE is that a good amount?
I'm also having a hard time deciding on traits...
--- End quote ---
I highly suggest trying the character planner, as Lacan said. That would clear up at least the thing with INT, if 8 or 7 is enough for your char.
8 PE is quite good. Depends on your skill in small guns. But one of it should be really high, if you wanna do aimed shot at high distance (which you want if taking crit perks).
Also the planner may tell you more about traits. You can try Good natured, Small frame (just watch out the carry weight), Bloody mess just for fun.. I think there aren't much more perks worth for your build.
But without character planner it's more probable you will make a mistake and find out just too late to fix it.
PS: Also decide if Bonus Rate is crucial for you. 6 AG grants you 8AP. With BrOF you would only save maximum 2 AP, so you can reload or do 2xAimed shot with pistol or some smg in hand/ leg instead of two non-aimed. It's just about what you want.. you may instead go without it, which means save two perks (Gain AGI, Bonus Rate).. so you can take one more Crit perk or something.
PPS: Hell, you can even make your INT just 7 if the Skill points show to be enough for you. Then I would suggest raising EN to 6 and picking Lifegiver on lvl 12.
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