Other > Closed suggestions
Remove science requirement for crafting BB's
Alrighty then, how about switching the requirement for crafting antidotes from outdoorsman over to doctors? Or, hell, just letting them both craft it.
And replacing tobacco with something like xander root and broc flower for crafting cigarettes until tobacco starts being for sale/findable
Yes and No :P
Ahahaha, alright, let's get cracking.
How about skipping the medical terminal requirement for drugs and just making the recipes for them more demanding? Add stuff you actually might need to hunt for, like microwave dinners, flowers and condoms instead. I know a few doctors, and the only things we really craft are healing powders and stimpaks. Alternatively, add more medical terminals to maps (but that goes beyond just tinkering with recipes, sadly).
Removing the workbench/first aid book requirement on crafting regular healing powder?
How about letting doctors craft jet? I don't think the Mordino druggist profession is going to be ingame for a while, nor do I think it reasonable to have a profession just for crafting that one item. Maybe up the recipe for just shit and jerky, maybe replace the jerky with chemical compounds. Or just require both.
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