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[noob] Some noob questions
I didn't found any [exact] info about it, sorry if it was there, but I'm really tired searching everywhere on wiki and forums and asking in the game... lot's of contradictory info...and I don't have enough time to play this game 24/7, so I want to make 1 char without any crappy mistakes.
So here are my noob questions:
1. Doctor proffession.
Correct me if I'm wrong: I have 6 int, then I eat 2 mentats at the same time, get 9 int and learn doctor [level 3] proffestion. After some time i get 6 int back, but I'm still a doctor [3 level]. If this is wrong, does it possible to get lvl 3 doctor with 6 int and how? Or I need at least 7 int?
2. Sneak. Does it work really? At what distance? Any formula?
3. Charizma. If I have 1 charizma, then eat drug, get + x charizma and get a merc/slave/brahmin, do they disappear after my charizma drop off?
That's all, sorry for my "perfect" english :-[
1. Yes, you won't lose your prof.
2. Don't know formula, but it works and very good, I saw atleast 2 players who are invisible for me at distance over 3 hexes even from front size, I have 8 PE. Excellent for tent-robbers, because they can live in your tent and you won't know about that ^_^
3. I don't know how it's working after wipe, going to test it right now.
Thanx alot ;)
Checked 3rd.
You can have more mercs, but if you leave them somewhere on "Stay here" command, you can't pick them again, if you don't have enough charisma for it.
So, with 1 CH you can use x2 mentats and hire 2 mercs, leave them at tent for guarding. If you want them to go with you, you need to eat mentats again.
But you can always walk with them, so they will follow you. ;p
If you are a noob, then also a reminder:
Always have even number of EN! Only 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are useful because HP gained each level is rounded down, and with 5 EN you get +4 HP each level, that is the same as for 4 EN.
Formula is: HP gained = (EN/2)+2. You cannot get 4.5 HP.
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