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Why powerbuilds + alts are so popular?
--- Quote from: avv on April 19, 2010, 07:11:50 pm ---Yes it's possible but the point is that the game encourages players to make alts. Imagine if we were to write new manual for new players. What would they think if the manual told the truth and read that alts are major part of the game and every player who wants to maximize their production and effectiviness should create them.
--- End quote ---
Oh, it could be expanded upon greatly, indeed. I just don't like how these threads derail themselves into wholesale changes when there's not really the need.
Game is very alt depending this is fact. And this separates players for those who can evade relog timer + multiclient/multibox and for those who can not.
If you intend to play just 1 character all you can do is stay in guarded town and sometime kill few scorpions.
Thats a very interesting build you got there Drakonis.I think you have just demonstrated for all of us how not to make a combat crafter.
I always wondered why devs and gm's dont just make it a rule for fonline that alts are encouraged but only to a certain extent.Post it in the rules that the max characters anyone can have is 3 and inforce it hardcore.Treat it as dual logging with bans ( no jail time because thats really such a joke ) and take no bullshit on the subject.As we have seen many times before people will always do the exact opposite of what they are told but at least its a start.I know Devs and Gm's take alot shit from players ( myself included ) but maybe its time to really start cracking down on bullshit.
For anyone that thinks all you can do as a crafter is kill scorps and rats,well i call bullshit.My medic with 150 in sm guns rapes the shit out of almost any encounter on the map.Ive been spending the last few days since xp was retuned to us on getting rich around San Fran on caravns,mercs,and press gangs,and ive been doing it solo.In between making teir 3 meds for my friends and healing people Ive managed to become quite rich so give it a try before you decide powerbuilds are the only life in fonline.
Dark Angel:
Why alt + powerbuilds are so popular ?
But everyone want some PVP / PVE / or fun from Pking / killing people in NCR .. so they creating first Barter alt , For example second is 2 lvl bigguner + 2 armorer and last powerbuild character .First mission is dug lot of junk / HQ / normal ore / and other supplies. Second is Crafting a lot of shit from supplies ... And last is PVP / PVE / PK etc... by gun + ammo / armor . There is lvl limit & no Organisation with people .. :) * ( i dont thing they want only dug shit , second will crafting and last will take it and shoot ^^)
it good build for SMG not for sniper ... with fast shot + BROF + BRD ( not more crit + better crit ) will be better...
Why Powerbuild on evil killing ? Bad it have on 21 lvl big hp , evil hit + skill , practical skill ( FA when he wounded , Doc when he weak / damaged , crippled . )
For example . :)
14 lvl ... not bad ;)
"no more 200+ sg snipers. Forces players to spend their skillpoints on something else and won't let them become too accurate. "
are you serious?
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