Other > Closed suggestions

Restrict insta kills to players that have the better critical perk

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--- Quote from: Ombra on April 20, 2010, 05:52:15 pm ---If you did insta-kill how the hell he could have survived?  ???

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It deals X damage, where X is victim current HP.
If you have 0 HP, you're not dead, you're laying with 0 HP, and his friends FA him.

If guards won't crit me so fast, 2nd eye-shot should killed him.

Last season, no one was complaining about lack of instantkills, they were present but happened very rarely. I agree with Kilgore to leave instantkills at 1-2%. The thing is that sniper still has some nasty attacks like KO/KD/blind/bypass and was meant to be a support "class".

Ok, maybe rarely instants but then, increase chance to hit someone to eyes when he standing sideway or back. Shoot to head from Laser Rifle to someone who have Metal or Combat Armor is VERY weak ...

i would like idea to have instant kill chance according to weapon. Only few weapons should have this ability who are really expensive and not really balanced like plasma rifle, bozar, XL70E3, gauss rifle, pulse rifle. Now even ghoul with 1 melee damage can instantly kill you hth wtf?


--- Quote from: Sarakin on April 20, 2010, 06:46:13 pm ---Last season, no one was complaining about lack of instantkills, they were present but happened very rarely. I agree with Kilgore to leave instantkills at 1-2%. The thing is that sniper still has some nasty attacks like KO/KD/blind/bypass and was meant to be a support "class".
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Are you sure they even were there? I mean before last wipe we had them and they were as much bullshit as today. Honestly do we really need awps from counterstrike? In every game where instakills exist they are always scorned. But in a game where they don't exist, nobody misses them.


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