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[Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in

<< < (76/97) > >>

I waiting, waiting, and waiting. After 10 mins nothing happen so I press ESC. Still the same "Executing Script Start Failure" message. When I exit the game, my FOnline.log file have 36,6 MB. And its look

--- Code: ---[00:025] Starting FOnline (version 0415-E7)...
[00:026] Engine initialization...
[00:121] Sprite manager initialization...
[00:244] Sprite manager initialization complete.
[00:316] Sound manager initialization...
[00:378] Sound manager initialization complete.
[00:456] Loaded<132> critter types.
[00:529] Load scripts...
[00:529] Old version of scripts.
[00:530] Interface initialization.
[00:530] Load data.
[00:539] Load sprites.
[00:721] Interface initialization complete.
[00:722] Item manager initialization...
[00:727] Item manager initialization complete.
[00:781] Hex field initialization...
[00:781] Hex field initialization complete.
[00:782] Engine initialization complete.
[00:783] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:783] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:783] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:784] Network init...
[00:785] Connecting to server<>.
[00:835] Connecting successful.
[00:836] Network init successful.
[00:837] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:837] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:838] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:839] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:839] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:839] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:840] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:846] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:847] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:847] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:848] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:848] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[00:849] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:136] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:136] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:137] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:138] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:138] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:139] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:139] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:140] Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>. Context info<Game>.
[10:52:146] Engine finish...
[10:52:146] Disconnect.
[10:52:147] Traffic: send<201>, receive<1124115>, whole<1124316>, receive real<2811003>.
[10:52:147] Disconnect success.
[10:52:147] Resource manager finish...
[10:52:147] Resource manager finish complete.
[10:52:148] Hex field finish...
[10:52:148] Hex field finish complete.
[10:52:149] Sprite manager finish...
[10:52:152] Sprite manager finish complete.
[10:52:153] Sound manager finish.
[10:52:153] Sound manager finish complete.
[10:52:156] Engine finish complete.
[10:54:570] FOnline finished.

--- End code ---

Any suggestions ?

Remove every file/folder from /data/cache/ except default.cache. Then you can try to obtain the server cache files from a different source. Maybe someone could upload it for you. Without the character data stored obviously.
   Might be it's not the case after all, but I believe it's an issue with cache files. Actually, if you could check, if the client is downloading anything. I mean with some network traffic monitor.
   Hopefully, it will help.

   No doubts, there is something wrong with your connection. What is your bandwidth?


--- Code: ---Starting FOnline (version 0415-E7)...
Engine initialization...
FileManager::InitDataFiles - Data file 'Datafiles2238.cfg' not found. Run Updater.exe.
Sprite manager initialization...
Sprite manager initialization complete.
Sound manager initialization...
Sound manager initialization complete.
Loaded<132> critter types.
Load scripts...
Bind reserved functions...
Bind reserved functions complete.
Signature<InvHead> not found.
Load scripts complete.
Interface initialization.
Load data.
Load sprites.
File<HLGRN.FRM> not found.
File<HLYEL.FRM> not found.
File<HLRED.FRM> not found.
File<HLRED.FRM> not found.
File<SUPARROW.FRM> not found.
File<SDNARROW.FRM> not found.
File<BIGREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<INVBUTDN.FRM> not found.
File<OPTIDN.FRM> not found.
File<BIGREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<MAPDN.FRM> not found.
File<CHADN.FRM> not found.
File<PIPDN.FRM> not found.
File<BULLSEYE.FRM> not found.
File<MVEPNT.FRM> not found.
Can't load animation<ENDANIM.FRM>.
File<ENDTURND.FRM> not found.
File<ENDCMBTD.FRM> not found.
File<MENUUP.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPOUT.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNOUT.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNDS.FRM> not found.
File<USE.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPOUT.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNOUT.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNDS.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_UP2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_UP2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_UP2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_UP2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_DOWN2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_DOWN2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_DOWN2.FRM> not found.
File<DI_DOWN2.FRM> not found.
File<TALKN.FRM> not found.
File<TALKH.FRM> not found.
File<LOOKN.FRM> not found.
File<LOOKH.FRM> not found.
File<CANCELN.FRM> not found.
File<CANCELH.FRM> not found.
File<USEGETN.FRM> not found.
File<USEGETH.FRM> not found.
File<ROTATEN.FRM> not found.
File<ROTATEH.FRM> not found.
File<DROPN.FRM> not found.
File<DROPH.FRM> not found.
File<UNLOADN.FRM> not found.
File<UNLOADH.FRM> not found.
File<PUSHN.FRM> not found.
File<PUSHH.FRM> not found.
File<INVENN.FRM> not found.
File<INVENH.FRM> not found.
File<SKILLN.FRM> not found.
File<SKILLH.FRM> not found.
File<AUTOMAP.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<AUTOUP.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXBOX.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<SKLDXON.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<SLIDER.FRM> not found.
File<SPLSON.FRM> not found.
File<SNEGON.FRM> not found.
File<PERKSFDR.FRM> not found.
File<KARMAFDR.FRM> not found.
File<KILLSFDR.FRM> not found.
File<FLDRMASK.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWOFF.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWON.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWOFF.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWON.FRM> not found.
File<SPLSON.FRM> not found.
File<SNEGON.FRM> not found.
File<TGSKLON.FRM> not found.
File<TGSKLON.FRM> not found.
File<NAMEON.FRM> not found.
File<AGEON.FRM> not found.
File<SEXON.FRM> not found.
File<SRD.FRM> not found.
File<SLD.FRM> not found.
File<MALEON.FRM> not found.
File<FEMON.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWON.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWON.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<WMAPLOC.FRM> not found.
File<WMAPTARG.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT1.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT2.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT2.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT1.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT2.FRM> not found.
File<HOTSPOT2.FRM> not found.
File<WRLDSPR2.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWON.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWON.FRM> not found.
Can't load animation<WMDIAL.FRM>.
File<INVBUTDN.FRM> not found.
File<OPTIDN.FRM> not found.
File<CHADN.FRM> not found.
File<PIPDN.FRM> not found.
File<WMAPFGT0.FRM> not found.
File<WMAPFGT1.FRM> not found.
File<MENUDOWN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVUPDS.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNIN.FRM> not found.
File<INVDNDS.FRM> not found.
File<SLU.FRM> not found.
File<SLD.FRM> not found.
File<SRU.FRM> not found.
File<SRD.FRM> not found.
File<PIP.FRM> not found.
File<PIPX.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<CALLED.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<MOVEMULT.FRM> not found.
File<SPLSON.FRM> not found.
File<SNEGON.FRM> not found.
File<ALLBOFF.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<SPLSON.FRM> not found.
File<SNEGON.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<DI_RDBT1.FRM> not found.
File<UPARWON.FRM> not found.
File<DNARWON.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
File<LILREDDN.FRM> not found.
Interface initialization complete.
Item manager initialization...
Item manager initialization complete.
Hex field initialization...
Hex field initialization complete.
Engine initialization complete.

--- End code ---
:/ I get the .cfg error after I press play, then the client opens, I see the image screen, it goes to title screen but it's frozen and I have no cursor.

Alright, it's not frozen, but I have no cursor.

Hi, I'm having the exact same problem as the person above me. I get DATAFILE2238. not found, it also says I have to run the updater but I had already updated the game and when I try it again multiple times it says the game is already updated, and when I run it the cursor is non-existant.

 I had also tried reinstalling the game various times but its not helping one bit.

Thanks for any helpful response.



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