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[Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in

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For anyone that gets the cannot find dx9 error, just copy it from your fallout 2 directory and into the fonline 2238 folder and your all set ;)

Oh and if anyone feels like hanging out my char name is Ban3_UK


--- Quote from: Aquare on February 20, 2012, 02:01:28 pm ---Could be the server just went down. Personally, I cannot see any reason for overwriting old files. If you want to just play, it's enough to follow step-by-step instructions spread all around.
--- End quote ---
Tried that, believe me. When I first got to the login screen and it appeared to function normally, I also assumed the server was just down when I could not log in. However, after I could not log in for a few days, while it appears other players are able to play judging by the their posts on this forum, I assume it must be a different issue.

Hello everyone. I have a problem like everyone in this thread. What im supose to do to finaly run this game after wipe? I downloaded postwipe client, i reinstal it about 20 times and im trying to do something with this for about 3 days and nothing works. Don't send me to read other posts because i already did. I read every single post about that issue. Nothing helped. The game shows menu properly, but when i try to register, than log in on registered account, it shows me for a half second some random loading screen and in the left bottom corner it says: "Connecting to server... , Conection established, authentication..." every single time. Im tired of making this game work, i need help. Pretty please?

I have a problem, I'm trying to update FOnline but the file is inadvertently faction.zip pobrać.Please help

Sorry for the mistakes I use google translator because I'm from Polish

Jeśli nie możesz zrozumieć angielski najlepszy strzał byłby do złożenia wizyty na Polskie Pustkowia podforum.

Przepraszam za błędy Google. Nie znam Polska.


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